
Product discounts in Interchange can be set at any time. The discounts apply only to the customer receiving them, so you can set discounts based on membership in a club or other arbitrary means.

Discounts are defined using the [discount] tag, and are of the following types:

Discounts within the [discount] tag are specified using a formula. The formula is scanned for the $q and $s variables which are substituted for the item quantity and subtotal respectively. The variable $s is saved between iterations, so that the discounts can be cumulative.

In case of individual item discounts, the formula must be constructed to handle all instances of a particular SKU found in the user's basket. There are many ways how same SKU might occur multiple times in the user's basket (for example, with SeparateItems enabled) — the same formula will be invoked on every occurrence and it should always give out the correct individual subtotal.

In case of an entire order discount, the formula is usually simpler and defines a flat discount amount or percentage.

Discounts are applied to the effective price of the product, that is — the price obtained after applying price adjustments.

For examples, see the [discount] reference page.

In April 2005, Interchange added support for "discount spaces" (using CGI variable mv_discount_space), in a manner akin to values space (mv_values_space) or named shopping cart (mv_cartname). See DiscountSpacesOn and DiscountSpaceVar for usage examples.

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