The check-out process consists of users filling in information via HTML forms, and Interchange verifying their input on arbitrary number of levels using so-called profiles.
Profiles can be defined in external files (and activated using
) or in scratch variables. External files are,
by convention, kept in CATROOT/etc/
begin with profiles.
. Multiple profiles
can be defined in each file.
You can learn about the principle and syntax of the profile files in the profile glossary entry. Only when the input "passes" the profile check, is the check-out process able to proceed.
Most of the time, you will want the successful check-out operation (order completion) to generate some kind of notification. In most common setups, this will include e-mailing order reports.
Simple order report file, CATROOT/etc/report
, defines
the layout (template) of the order report. All form variables are accessible
from the report file by using the familiar Perl $
Order Date: $date Name: $name Email address: $email Shipping address: $addr Town, State, Zip: $town, $state $zip Country: $country
You can specify fully-configurable order reports by setting the hidden
form variable mv_order_report
to an existing Interchange catalog page.
This page will be processed (interpolated and all) as standard Interchange
page before being sent by email. That said,
you see you could include HTML in the file. Although many mail clients
will parse HTML, it seems that the initial excitement
among the ordinary people vanished and they
again prefer plain-text e-mails. If you wanted to provide a HTML
version, you could always provide a link to a copy on your web server.
An order counter can be enabled simply — just set the OrderCounter
directive to the appropriate file name.
An incrementing count of all orders will be
kept and assigned as orders are placed. By default, the number
starts at 0
, but you can edit the file and change the
starting or current number at any time.
This feature is made possible by the File::CounterFile
Perl module.
The default basket and order pages contain a number of form fields,
allowing customers to enter the necessary information. This, however, can't
satisfy all individual needs. To remove some of the fields, simply delete
them from the HTML pages (or, better yet, disable by using the
tag). Do not forget to also deactivate any entries in
the profile files.
To add new fields, simply add them to the pages. The information will
automatically be included in the report files. Here's a template you
could re-use for your own fields, replacing town
with your values:
<input type="text" name="town" value="[value town]" size="30" maxlen="40" />
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