
email — send e-mail using SendMailProgram


Attribute Pos. Req. Default Description
to Yes Yes   E-mail address of the recipient.
subject Yes   <no subject> Subject of the e-mail.
reply Yes     E-mail address for reply.
from Yes   First address from the MailOrderTo configuration directive. E-mail address of the sender.
extra Yes   None Additional e-mail headers to include. For example, Errors-To: errors@mydomain.local.
cc       E-mail address for carbon copy.
bcc       E-mail address for blind carbon copy.
html       HTML part for the message
attach       File(s) to attach to the generated email.
interpolate     0 interpolate input?
reparse     1 interpolate output?
hide     0 Hide the tag return value?


This tag simply feeds SendMailProgram with the e-mail body that you provide.

You do not need to provide the headers yourself, because you can pass all relevant information using tag attributes. The to parameter must be supplied and contain a valid e-mail address, or the message surely won't be delivered.

Attaching Files

To add a single file as an attachment, you just do:

] Here is the gif file I promised.  [/email]

It automatically picks up the MIME type, and handles many if you have the optional MIME::Types module installed.


This tag appears to be affected by, or affects, the following:
Catalog Variables: MV_UTF8
Global Variables: MV_UTF8


Example: Simple e-mail message

Put the following on a test page:

Hello, World!

Example: HTML message

            html="[scratch some_big_hairy_mess]"
            ]This is the plain text part.[/email]


All outgoing e-mails can be intercepted for development purposes by setting MV_EMAIL_INTERCEPT.


email is available in Interchange versions:

4.6.0-5.9.0 (git-head)


Interchange 5.9.0:

Source: code/UserTag/email.tag
Lines: 277

# Copyright 2002-2012 Interchange Development Group and others
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.  See the LICENSE file for details.

UserTag email Order to subject reply from extra
UserTag email hasEndTag
UserTag email addAttr
UserTag email Interpolate
UserTag email Routine <<EOR

my ($Have_mime_lite, $Have_encode);
eval {
  require MIME::Lite;
  $Have_mime_lite = 1;
      $Have_encode = 1;

sub utf8_to_other {
my ($string, $encoding) = @_;
return $string unless $Have_encode; # nop if no Encode

  $string = Encode::decode('utf-8', $string);
return Encode::encode($encoding, $string);

sub {
  my ($to, $subject, $reply, $from, $extra, $opt, $body) = @_;
  my $ok = 0;
  my ($cc, $bcc, @extra, $utf8);

use vars qw/ $Tag /;

  $subject = '<no subject>' unless defined $subject && $subject;

if (! $from) {
$from = $Vend::Cfg->{MailOrderTo};
$from =~ s/,.*//;

# Use local copy to avoid mangling with caller's data
$cc = $opt->{cc};
$bcc = $opt->{bcc};

# See if UTF-8 support is required
$utf8 = $::Variable->{MV_UTF8} || $Global::Variable->{MV_UTF8};

# Prevent header injections from spammers' hostile content
for ($to, $subject, $reply, $from, $cc, $bcc) {
# unfold valid RFC 2822 "2.2.3. Long Header Fields"
  s/\r?\n([ \t]+)/$1/g;
  # now remove any invalid extra lines left over
    and ::logError("Header injection attempted in email tag: %s", $1);

for (grep /\S/, split /[\r\n]+/, $extra) {
  # require header conformance with RFC 2822 section 2.2
  push (@extra, $_), next if /^[\x21-\x39\x3b-\x7e]+:[\x00-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f]+$/;
  ::logError("Invalid header given to email tag: %s", $_);
unshift @extra, "From: $from" if $from;

# force utf8 email through MIME as attachment
unless (($opt->{attach} || $opt->{html}) && $utf8){
  $opt->{body_mime} = $opt->{mimetype};
  $body = utf8_to_other($body, 'utf-8');

my $sent_with_attach = 0;

#::logDebug("Checking for attachment");
  last ATTACH unless $opt->{attach} || $opt->{html};

  unless ($Have_mime_lite) {
    ::logError("email tag: attachment without MIME::Lite installed.");
    last ATTACH;

  my $att1_format;
  my $att = $opt->{attach};
  my @attach;
  my @extra_headers;

  # encode values if utf8 is supported
    $to = utf8_to_other($to, 'MIME-Header');
    $from = utf8_to_other($from, 'MIME-Header');
    $subject = utf8_to_other($subject, 'MIME-Header');
    $cc = utf8_to_other($cc, 'MIME-Header');
    $bcc = utf8_to_other($bcc, 'MIME-Header');
    $reply = utf8_to_other($reply, 'MIME-Header');

      my %msg_args = (To => $to,
                      From => $from,
                      Subject => $subject,
                      Type => $opt->{mimetype},
                      Cc => $cc,
                      Bcc => $bcc,
                      'Reply-To' => $reply,

      if($opt->{html}) {
          if ($body =~ /\S/) {
              $msg_args{Type} ||= 'multipart/alternative';
          else {
              $msg_args{Type} ||= 'text/html'  . ($utf8 ? '; charset=UTF-8' : '');
              $msg_args{Data} ||=  ($utf8 ? utf8_to_other($opt->{html}, 'utf-8') : $opt->{html});

    $att1_format = 'flowed';
  else {
    $msg_args{Type} ||= 'multipart/mixed';

      my $msg = MIME::Lite->new(%msg_args);
  for(@extra) {
    my $name = $1 or next;
    next if lc($name) eq 'from';
    my $content = $2 or next;
    $name =~ s/[-_]+/-/g;
    $name =~ s/\b(\w)/\U$1/g;
    $msg->add($name, ($utf8 ? utf8_to_other($content, 'UTF-8')
                : $content)) 
      if $name && $content;

      if ($body =~ /\S/) {
          $opt->{body_mime} ||= 'text/plain' . ($utf8 ? '; charset=UTF-8' : '');
          $opt->{body_encoding} ||= 'quoted-printable';
                       Type => $opt->{body_mime},
                       Encoding => $opt->{body_encoding},
                       Data => ($utf8 ? utf8_to_other($body, 'utf-8') : $body),
                       Disposition => $opt->{body_disposition} || 'inline',
                       Format => $opt->{body_format} || $att1_format,

  if(! ref($att) ) {
    my $fn = $att;
    $att = [ { path => $fn } ];
  elsif(ref($att) eq 'HASH') {
    $att = [ $att ];
  elsif(ref($att) eq 'ARRAY') {
    # turn array of file names into array of hash references
    my $new_att = [];

    for (@$att) {
      if (ref($_)) {
        push (@$new_att, $_);
      else {
        push (@$new_att, {path => $_});

    $att = $new_att;

  $att ||= [];

  if($opt->{html} && $body =~ /\S/) {
    unshift @$att, {type => 'text/html' 
            .($utf8 ? '; charset=UTF-8': ''),
            data => ($utf8 ? utf8_to_other($opt->{html}, 'UTF-8') : $opt->{html}),
            disposition => 'inline',

  my %encoding_types = (
    'text/plain' => ($utf8 ? 'quoted-printable' : '8bit'),
    'text/html' => 'quoted-printable',
          'text/html; charset=UTF-8' => 'quoted-printable',

  for my $ref (@$att) {
    next unless $ref;
    next unless $ref->{path} || $ref->{data};
    unless ($ref->{filename}) {
      my $fn = $ref->{path};
      $fn =~ s:.*[\\/]::;
      $ref->{filename} = $fn;

    $ref->{type} ||= 'AUTO';
    $ref->{disposition} ||= 'attachment';

    if(! $ref->{encoding}) {
      $ref->{encoding} = $encoding_types{$ref->{type}};
    eval {
        Type => $ref->{type},
        Path => $ref->{path},
        ReadNow => 1,
        Data => $ref->{data},
        Filename => $ref->{filename},
        Encoding => $ref->{encoding},
        Disposition => $ref->{disposition},
    if($@) {
      ::logError("email tag: failed to attach %s: %s", $ref->{path}, $@);
      $Tag->error({name => 'email', 
        set => errmsg('Failed to attach %s', $ref->{path})});

  my $body = $msg->body_as_string;
  my $header = $msg->header_as_string;
#::logDebug("[email] Mail: \n$header\n$body");
  if($opt->{test}) {
    return "$header\n$body";
  else {
    last ATTACH unless $header;
    my @head = split(/\r?\n/,$header);
    $ok = send_mail(\@head,$body);

    $sent_with_attach = 1;

  $reply = '' unless defined $reply;
  $reply = "Reply-to: $reply\n" if $reply;

if ($cc) {
  push(@extra, "Cc: $cc");

if ($bcc) {
  push(@extra, "Bcc: $bcc");

if ($utf8 && ! $opt->{mimetype}) {
  push(@extra, 'MIME-Version: 1.0');
  push(@extra, 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
  push(@extra, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit');

$ok = send_mail($to, $subject, $body, $reply, 0, @extra)
    unless $sent_with_attach;

  if (!$ok) {
      logError("Unable to send mail using $Vend::Cfg->{SendMailProgram}\n" .
          "To '$to'\n" .
          "From '$from'\n" .
          "With extra headers '$extra'\n" .
          "With reply-to '$reply'\n" .
          "With subject '$subject'\n" .
          "And body:\n$body");

return $opt->{hide} ? '' : $ok;


Interchange Development Group


email-raw(7ic), MV_EMAIL_INTERCEPT(7ic), SendMailProgram(7ic)

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